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Brittany Robertson biyografisi the secret circle

Penulis : Admin on 6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar | 08:25

Brittany Robertson

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Brittany Robertson 



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Britt Robertson (18 Nisan 1990 tarihinde Brittany Leanna Robertson doğumlu) ABD'li oyuncusu.O çoğunlukla Dan in Cara Burns roller oynayabilecek bilinen Real Life, Samantha Swingtown, ve Trixie Stone Onuncu Circle ve son zamanlarda Lux Cassidy Life Beklenmedik içinde.Robertson was born in Charlotte, North Carolina and grew up in Greenville, South Carolina where she first aspired to act. 
She stayed in Chester with her grandparents for a couple of months to film the movie Ghost Club. She got her first chance before a crowd when performing various roles on stage at the Greenville Little Theater in her home town. At age 12, Brittany began making extended trips to Los Angeles to audition for on screen roles in tv shows and even landed a spot in a pilot for a show which was never picked up by a network. 
Her first big break came when she was selected to play Michelle Seaver in the "Wonderful World of Disney: Growing Pains: The Return of the Seavers".[1] Her most notable role to date is that of Cara Burns in the 2007 film Dan In Real Life. Brittany also appeared in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (season 8) episode 168 "Go To Hell". Brittany also had a role as a recurring character in the CBS television series Swingtown. In 2008, She played the main character in a Lifetime Original Movie, Trixie Stone, in the movie based on Jodi Picoult's novel, The Tenth Circle, followed by other television roles. In 2009, she won a short role of DJ in dan derlenmiştir.

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